North Shore Cares Day
Our buses rolled in filled with children holding brand-new toys! Every summer we set aside a day of camp that we call, “North Shore Cares Day”. On this day we come together as a camp community and strive to do something to help support a worthy cause.
This summer we’ve chosen The Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation. Their mission is to provide comfort and distraction from painful procedures to children who have been diagnosed with cancer by providing toys and small gifts from a treasure chest. Each time a child with cancer undergoes a painful procedure, that child receives a toy or gift certificate which serves as a welcome distraction from their pain and rewards them for their bravery.
We simply cannot believe how many toys were brought in! We want to thank our camp families for their incredible geneorsity. It’s wonderful knowing that we’ll be able to put a smile on so many more children’s faces in the coming months. Thank you, thank you, thank you – Our camp families are truly the best!