Final Checklist
- NSDC t-shirts… Check!
- Bathing suit… Check!
- Sun Screen… Check!
- Water Shoes… Check!
What am I forgetting?!? Ugh….. Yes, the panic of “What am I forgetting?” settles in as you ready your child for camp while you go over all the various things that he or she will need this summer.
But I can tell you that probably the most important thing you can pack for your child is a sense of confidence and reassurance that your child will have an amazing time while at camp this summer. Remind them that although you will not be there during the day, Paula, Richie, Brian, Judi and the rest of the NSDC team of counselors, group leaders & support staff will be there for them and that they are not alone.
Camp will provide your child with the added self-confidence, self-esteem and resilience that comes from doing things that sometimes takes them out of their comfort zone. You can’t over-estimate the benefit for a child that comes from getting through a challenge without mom or dad. Paula, Richie, Brian, Judi and the rest of the NSDC team are there to help them to do just that, and to do it successfully!
So, as you go over your list of various camp necessities and pack them up in your child’s camp backpack, don’t forget to pack your child up with a bit of “can do” attitude and a dose of positive spirit! The positive changes in your child of having spent a summer of fun and adventure, and making new friends, will make it clear – It was all well worth it!