Spotlight on Shaq!
Name: Shaqunna (I’m in the back row on the left!)
Nickname: Shaq
Hobbies: Reading, bowling and cosmetology
My name is Shaqunna Reyes, but everyone calls me “Shaq.” I’m 31 years old and I live Queens. During the school year, I am a special education teacher in one of the high schools in Queens.
Back in 2002, a friend of mine worked at North Shore Day Camp and suggested that I apply for a job since I love working with children. Ten years later, it’s still as rewarding as it was my very first summer. I currently hold the position of group leader for the 1st grade boys division.
What I love most about NSDC is that it’s like a rite of passage for children. I absolutely love to see the transformation of our campers. They are like these amazing, beautiful little butterflies that go through a complete metamorphosis. They start off the summer coming to camp in a protected cocoon and then somewhere along the way, they break out of their shells and become these amazing, outgoing, daring little people! Like butterflies soaring to new heights!
I can’t wait for this summer to roll around – Only 95 more days until I get to meet my new campers! 🙂