Camp is Around the Corner
The trees are in bloom, the weather is starting to warm up, and club forms are pouring in as Miss Ruthie goes through each and every one of them… Camp is just around the corner and we’ve planned a fun packed summer season of great activities for all our campers to enjoy.We hope you’ve had a chance to look through our Leadership Team Bios. We welcome two new Division Leaders, Allison Loring and Mike Marinello, who are both teachers with tons of camp experience under their belts. And we’re proud that we have such a high staff return rate in addition to the incredibly talented new staff members that have joined our North Shore Day Camp family.
I hope you’ll be checking our blog regularly as we post all kinds of great new stories, games, photos and information about NSDC and the entire Timber Lake Family of Camps.
It’s only 69 days until summer 2010 begins and it can’t come soon enough for me. It’s going to be AMAZING!