STARFISH Values Program

Creating Compassionate Leaders of Tomorrow

While parents are the primary source of values education and character building, camp offers a great opportunity to reinforce the values that children are already learning at home. Moreover, in the recreational setting that includes competitive sports, performing arts, and day-to-day socialization, children have a unique opportunity to learn, practice and test their “values skills”.

The STARFISH program not only supports our camp’s mission of teaching children the skills of making and keeping friends while building self-esteem; it creates a safe environment that makes accomplishing that mission possible.

Our STARFISH program assists in teaching, promoting, recognizing and rewarding the values of:


At North Shore Day Camp, we recognize and celebrate, on a daily basis, a camper’s efforts to exhibit STARFISH values. Each day, Division Leaders award “STARFISH Raffles” to campers and staff members who have demonstrated one or more of our core values. This recognition is immediate and serves to reinforce the camper’s positive behavior.

At our STARFISH Huddle on Friday afternoons, after some dancing, singing of our camp alma mater and exciting Staff Minute-to-Win-It contests, our “STARFISH Raffle” is held where the names of both campers and staff members are selected. In addition to being recognized before the entire camp, the lucky winners and their respective groups are rewarded with fun prizes.