Make a Difference and Earn College Credit!
If you are passionate about building your career in Education (Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, etc.), Sports Management, or Outdoor Recreation on we want to get to know you!
We provide our staff with two different ways to earn college credit while working at NSDC.
1. Earn Three College Credits while Working at Camp
Earn three transferable college credits while making a difference as a mentor, coach, friend, teacher, and leader through GRATZ COLLEGE. This course is geared toward rising High School Juniors and Seniors and Freshmen and Sophomores in College. For high school students it’s a college application builder, highlighting success with college courses. While, college students can tick off general elective requirements off-campus, or bank credits for students planning on studying abroad. What better way to earn credits than doing it while working at Camp?!
Through this course staff will:
The cost is $750 for 3 transferable credits. Please check with your school prior to enrolling.
For our Staff who successfully complete and earn an ‘A’ in this course, Camp will reimburse staff half of the tuition ($375). And for staff who return the following summer and complete their summer employment, camp will reimburse an additional $375.
2. Or alternatively, Create an Internship for College Credit
Camp is a chance to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in others by being a mentor, coach, friend, teacher, leader and hero!